selected publications:
Vardabasso C, Gaspar-Maia A, Hasson D, Pünzeler S, Valle-Garcia D, Straub T, Keilhauer EC, Strub T, Dong J, Panda T, Chung CY, Yao JL, Singh R, Segura MF, Fontanals-Cirera B, Verma A, Mann M, Hernando E, Hake SB* and Bernstein E*. Histone variant H2A.Z.2 mediates proliferation and drug sensitivity of malignant melanoma. Mol Cell. 2015;
Jack APM and Hake SB. Getting down to the core of histone modifications. Chromosoma May 2014 [Epub ahead of print]
Jack APM, Bussemer S, Hahn M, Pünzeler S, Snyder M, Wells M, Csankovszki G, Solovei I, Schotta G, Hake SB. H3K56me3 is a novel, conserved heterochromatic mark that largely but not completely overlaps with H3K9me3 in both regulation and localization. PLoS One. 2013; 8(2): e51765
Bönisch C and Hake SB. Histone H2A variants in nucleosomes and chromatin: more or less stable? Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 doi: 10.1093/nar/gks865
Bönisch C, Schneider K, Pünzeler S, Wiedemann SM, Bielmeier C, Bocola M, Eberl HC, Kuegel W, Neumann J, Kremmer E, Leonhardt H, Mann M, Michaelis J, Schermelleh L, Hake SB. H2A.Z.2.2 is an alternatively spliced histone H2A.Z variant that causes severe nucleosome destabilization. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Mar 29. [Epub ahead of print]
Wiedemann SM, Mildner SN, Bönisch C, Israel L, Maiser A, Matheisl S, Straub T, Merkl R, Leonhardt H, Kremmer E, Schermelleh L, Hake SB. Identification and characterization of two novel primate-specific histone H3 variants, H3.X and H3.Y. J Cell Biol. 2010 Sep 6;190(5):777-791. COVER-STORY
Basu A., Rose K.L., Zhang J., Beavis R.C., Ueberheide B., Garcia B.A., Chait B., Zhao Y., Hunt D.F., Segal E., Allis C.D. and Hake S.B. 2009. Proteome-wide prediction of acetylation substrates. PNAS, 106(33): 13785-13790
Hake SB, Garcia BA, Duncan EM, Kauer M, Dellaire G, Shabanowitz J, Bazett-Jones DP, Allis CD, Hunt DF: Expression patterns and post-translational modifications associated with mammalian histone H3 variants. J Biol Chem 2006, 281(1):559-568.
Hake SB, Allis CD: Histone H3 variants and their potential role in indexing mammalian genomes: the "H3 barcode hypothesis". Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2006, 103(17):6428-6435.
recent publications:
Abendroth C, Hofmeister A, Hake SB, Kamweru PK, Miess E, Dornblut C, Küffner I, Deng W, Leonhardt H, Orthais S, Hoischen C and Diekmann S. The CENP-T C-terminus is exclusively proximal to H3.1 and not to H3.2 or H3.3. Int J Mol Sci 2015, 16(3): 5839-5863
Dindar G, Anger AM, Mehlhorn C, Hake SB and Janzen CJ. Structure-guided mutational analysis reveals the functional requirements for product specificity of DOT1 enzymes. Nature Communications. 2014, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6313
Jack APM and Hake SB. Getting down to the core of histone modifications. Chromosoma May 2014 [Epub ahead of print]
Sansoni V, Casas-Delucchi CS, Rajan M, Schmidt A, Bönisch C, Thomae AW, Staege MS, Hake SB, Cardoso, MC, Imhof A. The histone variant H2A.Bbd is enriched at sites of DNA synthesis. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Apr 20 [Epub ahead of print]
Leonhardt H and Hake SB. Histone glutamine methylation afFACTing rDNA transcription. Cell Res. (2014), 24: 261-262
Garcia-Gimenez JL, Olaso G, Hake SB, Bönisch C, Wiedemann SM, Markovic J, Dasi F, Gimeno A, Perez-Quilis C, Palacios O, Capdevila M, Vina J, Pallardo FV. Histone H3 glutathionylation in proliferating mammalian cells destabilizes nucleosomal structure. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2013; doi: 10.1089/ars.2012.5021
Jack APM, Bussemer S, Hahn M, Pünzeler S, Snyder M, Wells M, Csankovszki G, Solovei I, Schotta G, Hake SB. H3K56me3 is a novel, conserved heterochromatic mark that largely but not completely overlaps with H3K9me3 in both regulation and localization. PLoS One. 2013; 8(2): e51765
Talbert PB, Ahmad K, Almouzni G, Ausió J, Berger F, Bhalla PL, Bonner WM, Cande WZ, Chadwick BP, Chan SW, Cross GA, Cui L, Dimitrov SI, Doenecke D, Eirin-López JM, Gorovsky MA, Hake SB, Hamkalo BA, Holec S, Jacobsen SE, Kamieniarz K, Khochbin S, Ladurner AG, Landsman D, Latham JA, Loppin B, Malik HS, Marzluff WF, Pehrson JR, Postberg J, Schneider R, Singh MB, Smith MM, Thompson E, Torres-Padilla ME, Tremethick DJ, Turner BM, Waterborg JH, Wollmann H, Yelagandula R, Zhu B, Henikoff S. A unified phylogeny-based nomenclature for histone variants.Epigenetics Chromatin. 2012 May 31;5(1):7. [Epub ahead of print]
this article was highlighted in and
Bönisch C and Hake SB. Histone H2A variants in nucleosomes and chromatin: more or less stable? Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 doi: 10.1093/nar/gks865
Pichler G, Jack A, Wolf P, Hake SB (2012) Versatile Toolbox for High Throughput Biochemical and Functional Studies with Fluorescent Fusion Proteins. PLoS ONE 7(5): e36967. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036967
Bönisch C, Schneider K, Pünzeler S, Wiedemann SM, Bielmeier C, Bocola M, Eberl HC, Kuegel W, Neumann J, Kremmer E, Leonhardt H, Mann M, Michaelis J, Schermelleh L, Hake SB. H2A.Z.2.2 is an alternatively spliced histone H2A.Z variant that causes severe nucleosome destabilization.Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Mar 29. [Epub ahead of print]
Ratnakumar K, Duarte LF, Leroy G, Hasson D, Smeets D, Vardabasso C, Bönisch C, Zeng T, Xiang B, Zhang DY, Li H, Wang X, Hake SB, Schermelleh L, Garcia BA, Bernstein E. ATRX-mediated chromatin association of histone variant macroH2A1 regulates α-globin expression. Genes Dev. 2012 Mar 1;26(5):433-8.
Torrente MP, Zee BM, Young NL, Baliban RC, Leroy G, Floudas CA, Hake SB, Garcia BA. Proteomic interrogation of human chromatin. PLoS One. 2011;6(9):e24747. Epub 2011 Sep 14.
Müller-Taubenberger A., Bönisch C., Fürbringer M, Wittek F. and Hake S.B. 2011. The histone methyltransferase Dot1 is required for DNA damage repair and proper development in Dictyostelium. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 404(4): 1016-1022
Wiedemann SM, Mildner SN, Bönisch C, Israel L, Maiser A, Matheisl S, Straub T, Merkl R, Leonhardt H, Kremmer E, Schermelleh L, Hake SB. Identification and characterization of two novel primate-specific histone H3 variants, H3.X and H3.Y. J Cell Biol. 2010 Sep 6;190(5):777-791. COVER STORY
Basu A., Rose K.L., Zhang J., Beavis R.C., Ueberheide B., Garcia B.A., Chait B., Zhao Y., Hunt D.F., Segal E., Allis C.D. and Hake S.B. 2009. Proteome-wide prediction of acetylation substrates. PNAS, 106(33): 13785-13790
Bonisch C, Nieratschker SM, Orfanos NK, Hake SB: Chromatin proteomics and epigenetic regulatory circuits. Expert Rev Proteomics 2008, 5(1):105-119.
Taverna SD, David Allis C, Hake SB: "Hunt"-ing for post-translational modifications that underlie the histone code. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 2007, 259(1-3):40-45.
Shechter D, Dormann HL, Allis CD, Hake SB: Extraction, purification and analysis of histones. Nat Protoc 2007, 2(6):1445-1457.
Morris SA, Rao B, Garcia BA, Hake SB, Diaz RL, Shabanowitz J, Hunt DF, Allis CD, Lieb JD, Strahl BD: Identification of histone H3 lysine 36 acetylation as a highly conserved histone modification. J Biol Chem 2007, 282(10):7632-7640.
Mandava V, Fernandez JP, Deng H, Janzen CJ, Hake SB, Cross GA: Histone modifications in Trypanosoma brucei. Mol Biochem Parasitol 2007, 156(1):41-50.
Hake SB, Xiao A, Allis CD: Linking the epigenetic 'language' of covalent histone modifications to cancer. Br J Cancer 2007, 96 Suppl:R31-39.
Garcia BA, Hake SB, Diaz RL, Kauer M, Morris SA, Recht J, Shabanowitz J, Mishra N, Strahl BD, Allis CD et al: Organismal differences in post-translational modifications in histones H3 and H4. J Biol Chem 2007, 282(10):7641-7655.
Janzen CJ, Hake SB, Lowell JE, Cross GA: Selective di- or trimethylation of histone H3 lysine 76 by two DOT1 homologs is important for cell cycle regulation in Trypanosoma brucei. Mol Cell 2006, 23(4):497-507.
Janzen CJ, Fernandez JP, Deng H, Diaz R, Hake SB, Cross GA: Unusual histone modifications in Trypanosoma brucei. FEBS Lett 2006, 580(9):2306-2310.
Hake SB, Garcia BA, Duncan EM, Kauer M, Dellaire G, Shabanowitz J, Bazett-Jones DP, Allis CD, Hunt DF: Expression patterns and post-translational modifications associated with mammalian histone H3 variants. J Biol Chem 2006, 281(1):559-568.
Hake SB, Allis CD: Histone H3 variants and their potential role in indexing mammalian genomes: the "H3 barcode hypothesis". Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2006, 103(17):6428-6435.
Bernstein E, Hake SB: The nucleosome: a little variation goes a long way. Biochem Cell Biol 2006, 84(4):505-517.
Kim J, Hake SB, Roeder RG: The human homolog of yeast BRE1 functions as a transcriptional coactivator through direct activator interactions. Mol Cell 2005, 20(5):759-770.
Hake SB, Garcia BA, Kauer M, Baker SP, Shabanowitz J, Hunt DF, Allis CD: Serine 31 phosphorylation of histone variant H3.3 is specific to regions bordering centromeres in metaphase chromosomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2005, 102(18):6344-6349.
Garcia BA, Barber CM, Hake SB, Ptak C, Turner FB, Busby SA, Shabanowitz J, Moran RG, Allis CD, Hunt DF: Modifications of human histone H3 variants during mitosis. Biochemistry 2005, 44(39):13202-13213.
Hake SB, Xiao A, Allis CD: Linking the epigenetic 'language' of covalent histone modifications to cancer. Br J Cancer 2004, 90(4):761-769.
Camacho-Carvajal MM, Klingler S, Schnappauf F, Hake SB, Steimle V: Importance of class II transactivator leucine-rich repeats for dominant-negative function and nucleo-cytoplasmic transport. Int Immunol 2004, 16(1):65-75.
Schnappauf F, Hake SB, Camacho Carvajal MM, Bontron S, Lisowska-Grospierre B, Steimle V: N-terminal destruction signals lead to rapid degradation of the major histocompatibility complex class II transactivator CIITA. Eur J Immunol 2003, 33(8):2337-2347.
Hake SB, Tobin HM, Steimle V, Denzin LK: Comparison of the transcriptional regulation of classical and non-classical MHC class II genes. Eur J Immunol 2003, 33(9):2361-2371.
Glazier KS, Hake SB, Tobin HM, Chadburn A, Schattner EJ, Denzin LK: Germinal center B cells regulate their capability to present antigen by modulation of HLA-DO. J Exp Med 2002, 195(8):1063-1069.